
The Reader dreams!

With no my kind of programme on television to watch, I badly needed some kind of entertainment that would kinda works with kutti r's sleep pattern. Books were just perfect the last month. Been on a reading frenzy this last month. Just for my records, trying to list out the books
1.     Started of with Short stories from the World’s greatest authors and when I look back now, looks like I have a  list here
2.      Adventures of Don Quixote by Cervantes
3.      Osamu Tezuka’s BUDDHA  - Vol 1 - Vol 8
4.      The Immortals of Meluha
5.       Hobbit
The list for the upcoming month is here
1.       Midnight’s children
2.       War and Peace by Leo Tostoy
3.       A Christmas carol by Charles Dickens
4.       Siddhartha by Herman Hesse is on waiting list at the library. Hopefully I get to read this book this month.